Step Into Your Purpose
I provide a sacred space for your spirit to be nurtured, the tools to begin to connect more authentically within & show you how to cultivate deeper compassion with basic practices that fit into your busy schedule.
Join Our Soul Care Sanctuary here:
Maybe you are...
In the midst of chaos, grief, indecision or upheaval, you deserve to discover peace on the other side of fear.
Ready to slow down and connect to your inner voice and get clear about your next best steps in life.
Need next steps
Facing a difficult scenario in life, a transitional season that requires personal transformation.
Missing out
Pursuing multiple passions to live the life of your dreams and yet something is missing.

I remember what this was like for me.
When I was first separated and then divorced I remember telling others that I couldn’t plan past a month out. I couldn’t see a vision for what my life could be– all I saw was what was right in front of me.
During those days, my mom was the one who saw my greatness under my wounds. Most of the time, I didn’t even know my purpose – all I could do was show up in blind faith and trust the process.
At one point we spent time planning and leading a summer camp for high school students. We offered a week-long experience in the mountains where kids could learn life skills. I worried I wouldn’t have the funds to pay for the extras my own kids would need that summer and yet the work paid off. In these retreats, we made vision boards and discussed issues of the heart and family. We created a circle of trust because of our deep vulnerability.
These were all areas of my life that had taken a beating in the years prior. I knew the content as part of my core values but I wasn’t sure that I could model them now, I felt broken beyond repair.
One pebble tossed into the pond of personal development created a ripple effect. We reached over 300 kids in those two years. I discovered that this was also true of my own growth and healing.
When I didn’t have the strength, it didn’t hurt to hold onto others while I built the stamina to do it on my own.
In a few years, I was helping my business leaders develop their own visions in the areas of family and faith. . . career and service. I could look beyond my immediate pain and loss and envision a future with hope.
Then when my mom died in 2022, I reached back to her earlier lesson and turned my focus toward creating intimate healing retreats for women in Carlsbad, California as she envisioned. Her modeling taught me to honor self-care as a spiritual practice and share it with others. “Self-care,” she would say, “is a time to refuel, re-energize and replenish. And when you do it enough, your cup will overflow into its saucer.”

What are you afraid of? What would happen if you slowed down long enough to look around and start to make some shifts and changes in your spiritual life? Can you hear your inner voice amidst the noise of grief and loss, task distraction, online divisiveness?
Our Soul Care Sanctuary is intended for ANY woman who longs for a break from the usual narrative of overwhelm and fear when facing a time of tough transition. Are you READY for a chance to catch your breath and get clear about your feelings in this moment?
When we hold onto the story that we are emotionally tapped and mentally depleted, we don’t give ourselves space for effective decision making. Soul Care invites you to slow down and use your spiritual health as a starting point from which blessing flows.
Our Soul Care Sanctuary is a safe and sacred online space for you to say YES to a transformational life with me as your guide and mentor. I offer the opportunity through small group gatherings on Zoom, prioritizing our spiritual wellness practices + clearing blocks with Aroma Freedom Technique all within a group of creative, kindred spirits to compassionately support you.
Our Soul Care Sanctuary is dedicated to creating a sacred space and providing a monthly framework to
- create a healthier self
- build effective relationships
- achieve a deeper vocational impact
- heal spiritual and emotional brokenness
If this deep healing is something that aligns with your spirit, I invite you to join our Soul Care Sanctuary today!