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Imagine finding purpose, excitement and beauty in your spiritual journey! Grab your

Soul Care Kit

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What is Soul Care?

Gone are the days where most women prioritize the formality of religious traditions such as daily reading of holy text or weekly study or collective worship in a religious building. We may have become disengaged with the “outdated” spiritual rituals or be in an active deconstruction of our religious beliefs. Some of us may  engage in religious communities and still seek to hone our deeper connection to a “still, small voice,” within our hearts in order to live from a place of spiritual wholeness.

This Soul Care Kit will offer some key ideas to develop your personalized version of soul care in the midst of your busy life. Finding practices that excite you, can give you purpose and allow you to appreciate the beauty and take pleasure in the journey, day by day

Angela Lahman - About Page

Hi, I'm Angela Lahman

I designed this Soul Care Kit with you in mind.

My formal education is in Communication, Education, Conflict Transformation, Spiritual Direction, and Aromatherapy. These areas have greatly informed my daily approach to life. Over the past 25 years, I have learned from and drawn on the wisdom of many thought leaders, teachers, theologians, authors, and mentors. I love to curate resources for others as a health and business coach.
I am a connector and community facilitator for women. My focus is emotional wellness + spirituality + leadership.