Introducing Our Retreat Guest Presenter and Guide: 

Shea Darian, M.Div

About Our Guest: Shea Darian

Shea is an award-winning author, grief educator, multi-faith spiritual director, chaplain, and Director of Doing Grief Community Healing Project at the Interfaith Chapel for Healing in Sun City, AZ. She is the creator of the Model of Adaptive Grieving Dynamics (Illness, Crisis and Loss, Vol. 22(3) 2014) that provides a holistic perspective of the grieving process and serves as a compass for grievers to ease, heal, and transform grief-related suffering in ways that are most effective for them. 

Shea’s newest book, Doing Grief in Real Life: A Soulful Guide to Navigate Loss, Death & Change (2022) guides grievers to become their own best grief expert and discover that adaptive grieving and healing are one-and-the-same. Readers and reviewers call the book “life-changing,” “a tour de force,” and “remarkable.” 

Shea’s everyday passions include being a mom, competitive racewalker, singer, poet, nature lover, and sharing a home with her beloved spouse, Andrew, in Sun City, AZ. 

About the Book: Purchase this ahead of time… so that you can familiarize yourself with the Model of Adaptive Grieving Dynamics in chapter 3 of Doing Grief in Real Life and engage in a contemplation or two that’s helpful for you. Take note of the types of grieving responses you engage in often in your present grieving process and which you avoid. What are the challenges for you right now? What are your needs for balance? What are you learning about yourself as a griever? And as a healer of your own suffering?

Don't miss Shea Darian LIVE!

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